April 2024: RSLondonSouthEast is back for 2024. RSLondonSouthEast2024, supported by STEP-UP and taking place on Tuesday 16th July 2024, will also begin the process of broadening our community to support a wider group of dRTPs. Save the date!

March 2024: EPSRC has announced the funding of STEP-UP through its Strategic Technical Platforms call. STEP-UP is a regional platform that will be providing support to grow our community to represent a wider group of digital Research Technical Professionals (dRTPs) in areas including data and computing infrastructure. STEP-UP will be supporting a range of activities and new developments – look out for more details in the coming months.

May 2023: The 4th RSLondonSouthEast workshop will take place on Monday 17th July 2023. The call for abstract submissions is open. More details will be released soon.

Research Software London is a regional community for researchers in London and the South East who write or use scientific software or want to improve their technical computing skills and knowledge.

We aim to improve the quality of scientific software built within our region resulting in more sustainable, reliable and maintainable research software which can support higher quality research outputs.
We are an open community that welcomes anyone who wants to participate in or feels that they can contribute to, or learn from, our research software activities.